Havant and Hayling Bowmen
The Constitution Of the Havant and Hayling Archery Club
1. The club shall be called "Havant and Hayling Bowmen" herein after referred to as the "Club"
2. The object of the Club shall be the promotion and practice of Archery in all it's forms, other than hunting.
To offer coaching and participation opportunities
To promote the Club and Archery within the local community
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club
To Provide all services in a way that is fair to everyone
To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment
3. The Shooting Regulations as prescribed in Archery GB ( GNAS) "Rules of Shooting" shall be accepted as governing the relevant branches of the sport of Archery practised by the Club and its members.
4. Nothing shall be included in this Constitution which conflicts with that of Archery GB (GNAS)
5. The management of the Club's affair shall be entrusted to the Committee who will act in the best interest of it's members
6. All members shall accept the jurisdiction of the Club and the Committee and shall conform to such conditions, shooting rules and regulations as are current or which may be determined from time to time by the Committee or Archery GB (GNAS)
7. The Committee shall consist of:- Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, also Records Officer, Public Relations Officer Field Captain, Assistant Field Captain, Child Protection Officer, Equipment Maintenance, Bowyer The Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All of the above posts are full voting members, except Equipment Maintenance and Bowyer and junior member.
8. The funds and property of the Club shall be vested in the elected Officers or nominated Committee members and shall be used for the benefit of the members.
9. All monies and funds received on behalf of the Club shall remain the property of the Club and there will be no distribution of such funds amongst the members other than any reimbursements authorised by the Committee.
10. The Club shall maintain Bank Accounts in the Club's name. Any withdrawal from the Club's bank account must be signed for by two of the following officers of the Committee:- Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary.
11. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, the Assets shall be disposed of as directed by the General Meeting approving dissolution. Assets of the Club will become the property of Hampshire Archery Association for them to allocate to other clubs in the County as they deem fit
12. The Club Executive Committee will be responsible for adopting new policies, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of he Club
13. The Club Executive Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the Club rules/regulations/constitution. The Club Executive Committee will be responsible for taking any action suspension or discipline following such a hearing.
14. The postal address of the Club shall be that of the current Secretary
15. The Committee will hold a committee meeting every quarter at a time and place decided by them. No less than 4 meeting per year
16. At the meetings of the Committee and at all annual and extraordinary meetings in the event of an equal vote, the Chairman is entitled to an additional vote.
17. The Committee may appoint Sub committees, which shall include at least one Officer and may delegate to such Sub Committees powers within limits defined at its formation to fulfil it's business
18. Members of the Committee require a Quorum, any of the four members of the Committee to include the Chairman of Vice Chairman. Any Quorum must be minuted and included at the next full Committee meeting.
19. The Committee shall appoint a Field Captain and Assistant Field Captain annually, who will, when present on the field, be responsible for the control of the field shooting. in the event of the appointed Field Captain and Assistant Field Captain being absent a Senior Member on the field will temporarily fulfil this role.
20. Club members 18 years old and over shall be classed as Senior Members. Members of the Club under 18 years old shall be classed as Junior Members, as defined by Archery GB (GNAS), and have no voting rights at any General Meeting. Juniors aged 16 and 17 may shoot without parental/legal guardian supervision. Juniors under 16 must be accompanied throughout the shooting session by parent/legal guardian or by a responsible adult chosen by the Parent/Legal Guardian. Honorary Members are those members with over 10 years membership and are over 70 years old.
21. The Club subscribes to the Archery GB (GNAS) policy for the protection of children and vulnerable adults and will adhere to the policy and published guidelines which are available in the Clubhouse. A member of the Club should be appointed to act as the Child Protection Officer (CPO). All Club Committee members or any member acting on behalf of the Club having reason to work with children/vulnerable adults or holding information regarding them will be required to undergo a DBS check.
22. All members are required to carry an up to Personal Information Card in their quivers whilst on the shooting field. The information therein will only be used in the case of a medical emergency within the jurisdiction of the club.
23. Any person whom the Club may wish to honour for distinguished service to the club may be elected at a General Meeting of the Club as an Honorary Life Member and will become exempt from Club subscriptions, but not from GNAS fees if still shooting.
24. Should a complaint arise against a Club member, it must be referred to the Committee who will take action they deem necessary to protect the interest of the Club and its Members. The Committees decision will be final, All disciplinary, child protection and poor practice concerns should follow the Archery GB Case Club Executive Referral Panel guidelines which are available under Governance from Archery GB website. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
25. All annual subscriptions shall be due on the 1st of June. Any member who attends the AGM and has not paid their subscriptions shall forfeit the right to vote at this meeting. Subscriptions are determined upon start date of joining the Club and are pro-rated accordingly with the exception of new members joining following the beginners course where 40% reduction is already in place. Annual members fees for the following year will be decided at the AGM
26. The AGM will be held in October at a time and place determined by the Committee. Not less than twenty one days notice of such a meeting shall be sent to each member. Such notice will be sent by email or via the postal system or hand delivered A quorum of AGM will be 25% of voting members of the Club Annual membership fees for following year to be decided at the AGM
27. The Treasurer shall submit am audited set of accounts and Balance Sheet at the AGM showing the Clubs Financial position with an income and expenditure account for the previous twelve months. The Clubs financial year goes from September to August ...
28. The Constitution shall only be amended at the Annual General Meeting at which the proposition is to be considered, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Members wishing to move to proposition designed to alter or amend the Constitution shall submit such propositions to the Secretary not than twenty one days before date of AGM/EGM .
29. The Committee or any three Club members upon application to and at the discretion of the Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting. Not less than twenty one clear days notice of such meetings shall be sent to each member.
30. Any new member must first produce a current Archery GB membership card or to have attended and passed the Clubs Beginners Course. Having completed the course or assessment and the instructors are satisfied the applicant reaches the required standard will membership be granted. Any visiting archer must be a member of Archery GB and produce said proof of membership may shoot only with the permission of the Field Captain of the day and on payment of green fee
31. A copy of this Constitution should be made available to all members.