Havant and Hayling Bowmen
Longbow Imperial Ladies and Gents
Round score NAME date Score Name Date St George
Albion 284 BGR 5/4/14 Windsor 358 BGR 5/4/14 289 BGR 5/4/14
Short Windsor 438 BGR 5/4/14
Long Western 277 BGR 5/4/14 84 BGR 5/4/14
Western 263 BGR 5/4/14
St Nicholas 428 BGR 5/4/14 356 BGR 5/4/14
New National
Long National 327 Gary Holly 5/4/14 75 BGR 5/4/14
National 251 BGR 5/4/14 211 BGR 5/4/14
Short National 276 BGR 5/4/14 274 Zoe Hunting 5/4/14
Junior National 376 BGR 5/4/14 324 Michelle Penfold 20/7/14
Sh Jnr National
Long Warwick 126 BGR 5/4/14 65 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
Warwick 216 BGR 5/4/14 151 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
Short Warwick 160 Gary Holly 7/6/17
Junior Warwick 151 Gary Holly 1/6/16 218 Michelle Penfold 7/5/14
Sh Junior Warwick 336 Steve Trinder 6/9/17