Havant and Hayling Bowmen
Round score NAME date Score Name Date York 998 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Hereford 1050 BGR 27/3/14
St George 746 BGR 27/3/14
Albion 816 BGR 27/3/14 838 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Windsor 834 BGR 27/3/ 767 Angela Goldstein 29/3/14
Short Windsor 725 Mike Hampson 17/9/17 844 Zoe Hunting
Junior Windsor 764 Geoff Miles 8/5/16
New Western 590 BGR 5/4/14
Long Western 677 BGR 27/3/14 672 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Western 734 Zoe Hunting
Junior Western 712 Steve Trinder 19/8/15 498 Pauline Spinks 19/8/16
American 723 BGR 5/4/14 684 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
St Nicholas 720 Gary Holly 27/3/17 689 Angela Goldstein 16/7/17
New National 459 BGR 27/3/17
Long National 544 BGR 27/3/17 470 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
National 598 BGR 27/3/17 580 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Short National 578 Gary Holly 27/3/14 480 Pauline Spinks 22/6/16
Junior National 584 Steve Trinder 1/6/14 544 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Sh Jnr National 562 Alan Dabbs 3/8/16 498 Angela Goldstein 30/8/15
New Warwick 321 BGR 27/3/14
Long Warwick 378 BGR 7/3/14
Warwick 418 BGR 27/3/14 378 Molly Poynton 10/9/14
Short Warwick 354 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Junior Warwick 402 BGR 27/3/14 412 Zoe Hunting 29/3/14
Sh Junior Warwick 414 Tony Coles 9/4/14 362 Molly Poynton 22/4/15
Recurve Imperial Ladies and Gents
Gents Ladies