Havant and Hayling Bowmen
Barebow Imperial Ladies and Gents
Round score NAME date Score Name Date St George 252 Les Gibbons 8/5/17
Albion 548 Les Gibbons 8/5/14
Junior Windsor 655 Rick Vickers 7/5/17
Long Western 426 Les Gibbons 11/5/17
Western 449 BGR 5/4/14 395 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
American 594 BGR 5/4/14
St Nicholas 642 BGR 5/4/14 356 Eileen Bray 25/6/14
New National 169 Les Gibbons 24/5/15
Long National 358 Les Gibbons 28/8/16 174 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
National 468 BGR 5/4/14 334 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
Short National 510 Brian Howe 5/4/14 374 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
Junior National 502 Geoff Mills 19/6/16 445 Wendy Homeyard 30/7/14
Sh Jnr National 249 BGR 5/5/18 413 Molly Poynton 15/5/16
Long Warwick 218 Les Gibbons 10/9/17
Warwick 275 BGR 5/4/17 208 Michelle Penfold 5/4/14
Short Warwick 249 BGR 7/9/17 239 Molly Poynton 24/5/17
Junior Warwick 340 Geoff Mills 3/9/16 239 Molly Poynton 13/7/17
Sh Junior Warwick 344 Paul Baker 3/9/17 218 Eileen Bray 9/4/14